The Best Coping Strategies For Men Health Issues

Men are less likely than women to seek help when it comes to their mental health conditions, despite the fact that both genders experience mental wellness issues at about equal rates. Due to this, men are more prone to commit suicide, which probably explains the gender disparity in suicide rates worldwide. Male suicide rates are over three times higher than female suicide rates. This indicates that the community as a whole still has a great deal of work to do to ensure everyone has access to the proper support networks and education, especially men.



According to experts, men and women handle mental health concerns in different ways. This is due to the fact that men may experience more demands to shut down their emotions. Because of the sometimes frustrating societal expectations, they are unable to express their actual feelings. Therefore, it could stay untreated for longer if they are unable to communicate their concerns. Men can also experience mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, but talking about them can be challenging due to the stigma associated with them.

Better mental health can be achieved through a variety of professional procedures, but self-management and preventive approaches can start at home. Plenty of individuals employ easy coping mechanisms they can include in their daily routines to support mental wellness and even assist them in getting out of depression. We’re going to look more closely at the men’s coping mechanisms, both constructive and destructive.

What Are Unhelpful Coping Behaviors

In an effort to manage psychological problems, more men than women resort to maladaptive coping mechanisms. Once more, that results from their incapacity to ask for assistance when they are uncomfortable. It is typical of men to brush off their problems whenever they feel like it. These people should anticipate more psychological and emotional difficulties with this strategy. These are a few harmful coping mechanisms that you may notice in males who are experiencing psychological problems. Some of these are the following:


Yes, anger serves as a temporary shield to keep individuals from acknowledging and facing their uncomfortable true emotions. Men sometimes find it easier to hide their genuine emotions by venting their frustrations and bitterness this way rather than discussing it respectfully. Because most men perceive anger as a sign of strength and authority, most psychologically disturbed men prefer using this strategy. Mental health issues and frustration, however, may aggravate one another. Additionally, men think that by being upset, these mentally ill individuals might conceal the truth about the unfortunate circumstances they find terrifying or that it makes them feel exposed. Men who are angry believe they are in control and have influence over the situation.

Using Alcohol And Drugs

In order to induce sensations of relaxation, alcohol slows down the activity of the central nervous system. Additionally, it decreases mental capacity, judgment, and control. These characteristics make alcohol an effective tool for people to detach themselves from stressors or potential psychological issues. Furthermore, because men typically find substances like alcohol and drugs to be enjoyable, they turn to them for immediate comfort due to their recreational benefits. However, this coping approach sees drug and alcohol abuse as resulting from high levels of avoidant coping, low levels of proactive management, and high levels of life mental health issues, which may lead to other problematic behaviors.




Men smoke because they believe it relieves tension and anxiety since nicotine makes them feel relaxed shortly thereafter. Dopamine is released by nicotine, which enters the central nervous system in a matter of seconds when someone smokes. This sensation temporarily reduces cognitive tension, but it quickly gives way to cravings and signs of withdrawal. Apart from the brief break, smoking can result in several health complications, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, lung illnesses, obesity, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including persistent bronchitis and asthma. In addition, smoking raises the risk of developing tuberculosis, several eye conditions, and immune system disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.

Binge Eating

Certain individuals turn to food as they consider it a calming agent or a coping mechanism for psychological and emotional issues. Indeed, it is a coping strategy to handle emotions like anxiety, frustration, stress, or even to extend happy feelings. Although overeating to calm down can be beneficial in the short run, it frequently results in regret and guilt and might worsen the psychological manifestations of binge eating disorder. Also, when men acquire weight, their self-esteem may suffer. They may encounter additional health problems, including high blood pressure, cholesterol, or sugar levels. Men who suffer from binge eating disorder are more prone to experience additional psychological issues such as anxiety, sadness, PTSD, and ADHD.

Excessive Spending

There are several reasons why some men can overspend. Spending money to feel better is common among men; some even compare it to a temporary euphoria. Some guys might go shopping to feel powerful or in control, while others may use it as a coping mechanism for unpleasant feelings or underlying mental health issues like depression or anxiety. Men usually spend greater amounts of cash or make rash financial judgments if they suffer symptoms of mania or hypomania.


The majority of men use gambling as a coping mechanism for issues or as a way to let go of feelings of obligation, sorrow, or powerlessness. The primary driving force for engaging in this activity is the adrenaline rush that comes from winning money, interacting with people, or escaping life challenges. It may, however, result in men seeking to recover their losses by increasing their gambling (chasing losses) and concealing their level of gambling from loved ones or other people. Men are no longer considered to be amused by gambling when they reach this stage of their addiction. These days, they see gambling as their main source of income or as a way to deal with psychological and emotional illnesses.

Unsafe Sex

Stress and anxiety can be reduced by sex due to the release of “feel good” hormones like oxytocin. These hormones encourage rest and have the potential to lessen the symptoms of anxiety, stress, and even depression on the psychological front. It can help deal with life, physical problems, or relationship problems since, in times of sadness, the body may want this positive feeling and come from connecting it with sex. Intimate, physical, and emotional comfort can also be quickly restored with it. However, if sexual activity is used as a deliberate diversion, it can also be a harmful coping strategy. It may also result in troublesome circumstances and extreme emotional detachment.

Sleeping A Lot

One strategy for escaping life’s stress is to oversleep. This coping strategy is beneficial for most males because it may be viewed as a means of rest and rejuvenation. On the other hand, sleeping too much can be a means of numbing emotions or disregarding the circumstances in real life. The process of recovering is draining and can occasionally be painful and difficult. Although it is natural to desire to start dozing off to sleep, it might not be a healthy getaway if it interferes with day-to-day activities.

Mental Health Tips For Men – Healthy Coping Mechanism

Men can, of course, choose to do something beneficial in addition to the harmful strategies that have been outlined. Although various constructive coping strategies are available, they are all employed to enhance wellness and control or avoid stress or unpleasant feelings. Their capacity to manage and modify their behavior is essential to maintaining a stable mental and emotional state, even though benefits might not be seen right away. The following advice is for men who want to use an entirely healthier coping strategy.

Build Social Connections

Having a strong social support network is crucial while coping with mental health issues. This network can consist of loved ones, friends, coworkers, classmates, church members, a particular someone, etc. Seeking individuals who are positive, receptive, and encouraging during a man’s mental health rehabilitation process is crucial.

Consider Engaging In A Hobby

Men’s mental health is further supported when they engage in enjoyable hobbies. Making time for these delightful activities is crucial, regardless of the hobby—hiking, crafting, cooking, woodworking, sports, exercising out, swimming, landscaping or gardening, traveling, reading, or watching TV shows and movies, for example—as long as it enhances overall health development.



Get Regular Exercise

Numerous studies demonstrate that engaging in physical activity for at least twenty minutes or more three times during the week lowers the likelihood of anxiety and depression in the majority of men. This includes all physical activities that elevate the cardiovascular system, like biking or cycling, walking, jogging, swimming, trekking, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Focus On Nourishing The Body

Men should have adequate energy to take care of their psychological health demands. Therefore, they should consume as many complete and healthy fresh foods as possible. This set of nutritious meals includes lean protein, good fats, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Restricting the intake of processed foods, sweets, alcohol, and refined carbs is also a must be considered.

Get Help And Consider Professional Counseling

Although most men would not use this strategy or somehow take the time to consider it, therapy is an excellent outlet for discussing emotions. Men need to learn how to talk about their struggles and confide in a qualified professional about their experiences. They can get advice from an expert on how to deal with various life circumstances and manage their emotional and mental health problems when they establish a connection and rapport with the therapist or counselor.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do Men Cope With Mental Health Issues?

What are the coping mechanisms of men?
How can I help my man’s mental health?
How do men cope with stress?
Why do men use problem-focused coping?
What are some healthy coping strategies?
What are 2 examples of healthy coping strategies?
What is the 5 coping technique?
What is the most effective type of coping?
What is the biggest mental health issue in men?
Why is men’s health important?
What are coping mechanisms and coping strategies?
What are 3 examples of stress coping mechanisms?
What are the main coping mechanisms in psychology?
What are male and female coping mechanisms?

What Are The Mental Health Challenges In Fatherhood

Being a father can be a challenging task. That is because it can eventually be extremely taxing despite its potential for happiness and fulfillment. Furthermore, many ideals are associated with fatherhood, which means that some fathers feel pressured to meet the unrealistic expectations that society places on them.



A lot of men in the society we live in today experienced challenging upbringings, such as having abusive or absent fathers. This could imply that caring and healthy male role models did not raise them. They may, therefore, be concerned that they lack the knowledge necessary to raise their kids well. Furthermore, parents may feel unbearably pressured if their child has additional mental, physical, behavioral, or emotional requirements.

For these and other reasons, a growing number of men are discovering that being a parent has its own set of challenges related to mental health and overall wellness, including stress, desperate state of mind, frustration, and sadness. However, regrettably, they may feel unable to discuss this with others because of societal norms that dictate they must be “strong” for their wife and kids. Because of this, it’s critical that fathers feel supported, acknowledged, and have safe places to express their concerns.

In comparison with numerous other phases of life, men are significantly more likely to experience psychological discomfort during the shift to fatherhood and the initial years of childrearing. Many persons who have mental health issues suffer greatly from stigma that can affect them in various ways, affecting their experiences and perspectives.

What’s The Impact Of Having Poor Mental Health?

Relationships are affected when a father’s mental health deteriorates. Stress increases and communication becomes more difficult. It could become harder to connect with the kid or kids because it affects the distinctive connection that must be shared, and that is the significant function that fathers play as role models in their children’s lives.

There may be tension or stress in the home when one of the parents is experiencing mental health issues. It may affect a child’s capacity for feeling understood and communicated. The children’s capacity to focus may be impacted, and there may be a higher chance of behavioral problems, including acting out and difficult mood swings.

Sadly, there is a lack of knowledge on parenthood and mental health. There is an alarming lack of study on men’s psychological well-being as they adjust to becoming fathers. Society may have to deal with this reality when attempting to investigate resources for paternal behavioral health and the particular challenges of fatherhood.

Unable To Express The Regret Of Becoming A Father

Parental regret is still an embarrassing topic despite the fact that it is being expressed more freely these days. However, despite their apparent love and excellent parenting, some men may experience a range of emotions, including regret over being a father.

Some fathers experience these emotions for years. For some, they occur during a certain phase of their child’s development, such as toddlerhood. Men will do everything it takes to hide these emotions from their significant other, kids, family members, and even close friends. Even so, the regret might continue to consume them, particularly if they are unable to communicate it to others for fear of being questioned and humiliated. They frequently question why they are unable to enjoy their children and their families in general and feel incredibly ashamed of these emotions.



Constant Feeling Of Being Trapped

Some men talk about how being a father feels like they never have time to themselves, which makes them feel confined and overwhelmed. They may also be grieving the loss of their childless way of life, which included spontaneity, social interaction, and leisure time. Some men might dream of leaving everything behind and making an escape.

Anger, worry, tension, sadness, and emotional disengagement are all results of these emotions, and they can negatively impact the dynamics and relationships within the family as a whole. Most fathers feel trapped all the time and have thought about situations like having kids at the wrong point in time, making compromises too much for the kids, having problems with their partner when managing the kids, or thinking that they would be better off without children.

Not Emotionally And Mentally Coping After The Baby Was Born

Although postpartum depression primarily affects women, depressive symptoms can also affect men after giving birth. Male postpartum depression can have a variety of causes. Being a father can be a major adjustment for some men, and they may experience extreme stress due to sleep deprivation, balancing obligations, and losing their individual freedoms. The father may also experience anguish if their partner is exhibiting her own postnatal symptoms.

Occasionally, fathers experience additional stress as a result of problems or surgery related to childbirth. A significant societal or familial obligation to be ‘the strong one’ may also be placed on the guy if the child has more complicated requirements (for example, is born prematurely or sick). He may, however, be battling his own anxiety, worry, and sadness on the inside. Given that this is not only a “women’s issue” and can really be rather distressing for dads, society at large must recognize this.

Not Getting Along With Their Partner

Though it might strengthen some marriages, becoming parents can put a great deal of stress on others. There are a variety of causes for this, such as unintended pregnancy, concerns about money, certain disagreements over parental approaches, a decline in sex life, sleep deprivation, and general exhaustion. One may see it as a normal aspect of the drastic adjustment to parenthood, something that must be managed. But this “doom and gloom” situation is what some fathers see.

The reasons behind unhappiness can differ. When a woman becomes a mother, and the child or children consume her time, some men talk about feeling like they have been “abandoned” by their significant other. They may also think that their partner is not exactly the same person they loved when they initially started dating because of changes brought about by parenthood. Alternatively, they may be dissatisfied that their partnership is no longer driven by passion and romance but rather by parenthood and practical matters.



Feeling Pressured To Be A Good Father

After having a kid, it’s still typical for a lot of couples to assume conventional responsibilities where men are the only providers and women stay at home. And men may feel a great deal of strain as a result. Some of them may feel like “failures” if they don’t make enough money to provide for their families because of societal preconceptions about what it means to be a man. They may discover that their negative self takes over and tells them repeatedly how inadequate they are. Furthermore, in a culture where men are rarely taught the value of self-compassion, this can get worse.

Men’s anxiety over this role stems from the standards that society has of them. Some men may also feel that they have no choice but to stay in an unpleasant, toxic, or boring work because their family depends on them to make ends meet. Stress, sadness, and hostility may result from this, as well as coping mechanisms like substance dependency or emotional avoidance. Some men may even feel as though they are doing the part of a decent husband, father, or worker, but on the inside, they are empty or frustrated. This condition is known as impostor syndrome.

Not Having Enough Work-Life Balance

Any parent can find it challenging to keep a work-life balance, but men frequently encounter particular difficulties in this regard. Because they believe their main duty is to support their loved ones financially, many men feel under immense pressure to put work before family. Their inability to manage their personal and professional lives may result in feelings of dread and guilt.

In certain regrettable cases, fathers who struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance frequently overlook social connections, which unintentionally foster unfavorable beliefs about their life choices. It leads them to feel as though their children and family are an obstruction to their happiness, and ultimately, they persuade themselves that their parenting responsibilities should take a backseat in order to live a decent life. When these notions develop, dads become capable of abandoning and leaving their families.

Final Thoughts

Since being a father is challenging, neither is figuring out how to solve the problems that come with it. Fathers will learn that they are not alone, though, if they open up to others, including a therapist, men’s group, relatives, and friends. Men will also start to understand that being kind and understanding toward others is acceptable and that they do not always need to be the “perfect” spouse or parent.

It’s critical that men pause occasionally to consider their journeys as fathers. Give recognition for one’s efforts, recognize and resolve obstacles, and congratulate successes. Men are able to identify the development and learning that come with being a parent by thinking back on their experiences.

Fathers should be willing to seek advice and assistance from counselors or medical professionals when times are difficult. Seeking expert assistance during trying times offers comfort and direction. It’s similar to having a reliable buddy on your side. Asking for assistance is a courageous move.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are The Challenges Of Fatherhood?

What Are The Psychological Effects Of Fatherhood?

Why Do Men Struggle With Fatherhood?

What Are The Struggles Of Becoming A Father?

What Are The Three Biggest Challenges A Father Faces?

What Is The Hardest Part About Being A Father?

Is Fatherhood Stressful?

What Are Some Differences And Challenges Faced By Stay-At-Home Fathers?

What Are The Effects Of Early Fatherhood?

Is There A Fatherhood Crisis?

What Is The Impact Of Fatherhood On Society?

What Are The Sad Outcomes Of Being Fatherless?

How Does Fatherhood Feel?

How Does Fatherhood Change Men’s Brains?

How Do Fathers Affect Their Children?

Treatments For Cancer

Looking for treatment for cancer?

A zen rock formation against a blue sky with birds flying in the background

Available Medication Options For Patients

Cancer has been increasingly rampant all over the world, and cancer is among the major causes of death for many. Are there cancer treatments that are best for all types of cancer? How effective are cancer treatment alternatives? Are there medications that would help the body’s immune system and cure illness? Let’s learn more about cancer, how treatment options are viewed through clinical trials and insights into therapy or palliative treatment.

“For many, receiving a cancer diagnosis can be as devastating to the psyche as cancer itself is to the body. Given how many of our lives have been affected, it’s hard to imagine that cancer was once so shamed,” said Allison Abrams, LCSW-R. “Awareness and advocacy have played and continue to play essential roles in prevention, early detection, and treatment advances.”

Among these other treatments are alternative options that are now gaining popularity. However, these other treatment options can often do more harm than good. In fact, alternative therapies and medications increase the risk of mortality instead of helping combat the illness.

The Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) recently published a study stating that cancer patients who opt for alternative treatment options to treat curable and common types of cancer rather than going for doctor-recommended medical advice raise their risk of fatality.

Some of the conventional forms of treatment regimens include external beam radiation therapy, photodynamic therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplant, bone marrow transplant, chemotherapy, and surgery. On the other hand, alternative treatments to kill cancer blood cells are those unproven treating methods, usually executed by non-medical entities.

Different Cancer Treatment Options And Treatment Guidelines

The Media And Its Effects On Alternative Medication

  • Often, the media would throw in every once in a while “success” stories of sick people who have taken the route of trusting their sickness to alternative medications, either with or without conventional medication. However, these patients are usually not fully informed with a detailed cons list of choosing an alternative therapy such as hormone therapy.
  • Media plays a significant role in providing not only foreseeable benefits but also risks and consequences, whether complementary or alternative medication. Unfortunately, a lot of patients are more inclined to opt for alternative treatments that fight cancer because online and media coverage do not divulge everything about the medication approach.

Is Going Natural Better? What Are The Best Options?

Are alternative treatments just as good as medically advised care? Experts say that alternative remedies may do more harm than good.
  • The most prominent selling point of alternative medication advocates in dealing with not only testicular cancer but also all sorts of cancer, in general health, is that their products or processes are all-natural.
  • The truth is, a lot of conventional medications given to patients were initially derivatives of natural substances in the environment. One typical example of a remedy is the chemotherapeutic drug that inhibits cancer growth known as Taxol.
  • What is worrisome is how these advocates fail to emphasize if their natural or organic medications are guaranteed safe. From these various alternatives, one could experience septicemia, cyanide poisoning, and permanent disfigurement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Remedy Is Considered The Most Successful?

The most successful remedy for cancer treatment varies depending on the type of cancer and individual patient factors. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy are some of the common treatments used, but their success rates differ among different cancer types and stages.

What Are Some Possible Medication Options?

When considering medication options for cancer treatment, healthcare providers may recommend a combination of therapies to maximize effectiveness while minimizing side effects. Medications like chemotherapy drugs, targeted therapies, and immunotherapy are commonly used to treat cancer, but their selection depends on the specific type of cancer and its stage, as well as the patient’s overall health.

At What Stage Does Cancer Stop Being Treatable?

Cancer can become less treatable as it progresses to advanced stages, especially when it spreads extensively or develops resistance to therapies like targeted therapy or stem cell transplantation. However, the point at which cancer stops being treatable varies widely depending on the type of cancer and its aggressiveness. Early detection and timely intervention can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment.

What Are The Most Popular Types Of Remedies?

Popular types of cancer remedies encompass a range of treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and immunotherapy, among others to kill cancer cells. The choice of remedy depends on the type of cancer, its stage, and the patient’s individual circumstances. Cancer care plans are tailored to address the specific needs of each patient and their unique cancer diagnosis.

What is considered the best treatment for cancer?

Which types of cancer are curable?

How can you treat cancer without chemo?

What kind of cancer is hardest to heal?

Is cancer fully treatable?

What kind of cancer has the highest survival rate?

Benefits Of Trauma Informed Therapy


According to a counselor, we often think about people who have experienced an emotional shock, and how broken one may feel losing a loved one.

We pity them for experiencing such terrible adverse childhood experiences and incidents like physical abuse, sexual violation, car crashes, sports mishaps, or any other life-threatening event. The impact of these traumas can be long-lasting and profound.

There are also military men who suffer unmanageable effects from experiencing repeated or extreme exposure on a battlefield. We see this kind of situation in movies, and these people typically prefer to be isolated – free from interaction with other friends and close family members. It’s crucial for these individuals to seek treatment and appropriate services to cope with their traumas. A holistic approach and consistent support from professionals and loved ones can significantly aid in their healing process.

That is because of the experienced trauma.

The general population is worried that not everyone might misunderstand or reject them because they may fail to act the way normal people do due to the impact of trauma.

These individuals want physical and emotional safety instead of dealing with traumatic stress symptoms. Thus, the mental illness of trauma survivors requires coping strategies.

According to Barbara Markway, PhD, “The recognition of trauma as an important factor in psychological and physical symptoms is not new. During the American Civil War, combatants were described as suffering from “soldier’s heart” or “nostalgia.” The use of heavy artillery in World War I led to the idea of “shell shock.” More recently, the diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder has entered our lexicon, and specific treatment approaches have been developed.”

However, how many of us think of the people who are behind these individuals who are helping them cope?

How Does The Trauma Informed Therapy Work?

What are the challenges they need to face and endure to achieve the healing process they aim for PTSD clients?

A lady who had traumatic experiences writing on paper

Trauma: Things To Be Aware Of Regarding Trauma-Focused Therapy

Medical practitioners or medical reviewers including trauma-informed counselors are humans too.  They can feel, therefore, can be affected by the negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions of people who seek their help, but how do they cope after helping someone cope? But not all therapists are invisible, and some of them also need to face certain challenges. What are the challenges they need to face in performing trauma-informed therapy?

“A trauma informed therapists assume that the mind and body of a person with unhealed trauma informed is functioning in an altered way. That person may be easily triggered to feel too much emotional intensity (hyperarousal) or shut down and unable to feel much at all (hypoarousal),” wrote Robyn E. Brickel, MA, LMFT. Medical staff, nurses, and therapists who deal with trauma patients hear unfortunate situations each day.

Counselors’ Role In Trauma-Informed Therapy

Counselors have witnessed the burden of people first hand that’s why they tend to feel their pain during the trauma informed therapy. In response, they implement trauma-focused care using the diagnostic and statistical manual to help clients overcome a highly stressful event.

If one trained or is not knowledgeable in handling such work, he may have the possibility to be too attached to his patients.

Sometimes, the skepticism of other people, which includes pain, misery, anguish, serious injury, substance abuse, and mental struggle (such as depression and anxiety) or anything they are suffering from is all absorbed by the person who conducts the recovery or remedy for treating such conditions.

If a patient who recently lost someone says, “The pain is too much to bear. I am lost, and I don’t recognize what to do,” and so forth, a trauma-focused professional cannot refuse to listen.

A counselor should be all ears to what his patient is conveying, making him prone to feeling the pain as well. Being in the mental health field requires not just sympathy but also empathy.

A counselor is required to be tough emotionally, or else he can get caught up in the negativity of his patients, and that is where his years of study, training, and pursuit of expertise show.

Being informed is useful for both patients and counselors as knowledge of trauma-informed care helps them compose themselves in dealing with patients. This approach to informed care ensures that professionals recognize and respond to the various impacts of trauma.

It allows them to familiarize themselves with the reality of actual or threatened triggering events, and it also sets expectations preventing them from being overwhelmed and distressed by what they see or hear.

A man contemplating his struggles

Understanding Trauma Informe Therapy

This is beneficial to patients because it allows them to receive the appropriate treatment strategies they need, especially when they are dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder or other mental disorders linked to threatened events involving death.

All counseling from the abuse and mental health services administration is beneficial as they all aim to better the mental health of a person, but this trauma-focused care first session focuses on the cause of the problem which is the adverse childhood experience and history experienced by the patient.

Therefore, it is easier to plan an approach or technique for addressing issues such as substance abuse and others.

Mellissa Withers, PhD, MHS, emphasized the need for training in trauma-informed therapy among health-care providers and law enforcement. She wrote, “This training in trauma-informed care is necessary for health-care providers and law enforcement. This training is important to build the capacity among providers to deliver holistic patient care, being sensitive to how a range of experiences over the life course may relate to a person’s current health behaviors and health status.”

Final Thoughts About Trauma-Informed Care Therapy

Likewise, being in trauma-focused care makes a mental health professional prepared to aid patients without having to worry about being too attached and emotionally affected by the issues of patients. It makes many professionals objective and focused on one goal, and that is to help the patient in achieving great mental health.


What are the 5 principles of trauma-informed therapy?

The 5 principles of trauma-informed therapy emphasize the importance of creating a safe environment and understanding the unique needs of trauma survivors. Adopting a trauma-informed approach means recognizing and responding to the various effects of traumatic experiences while coordinating with health services to offer the necessary support, ensuring a holistic informed approach to care.

What are the techniques used in trauma-informed practice?

Techniques used in trauma-informed practice range widely to cater to the diverse needs of individuals. Mental health services employ various therapeutic methods to address the impact of trauma. Understanding the connection between abuse and mental health is crucial, and practitioners provide tools and interventions to enhance clients’ coping skills.

What are the 11 principles of trauma-informed care?

What are the 3 central components of trauma-informed principles?

What are the 3 E’s of trauma?

What type of care is best for survivors?

What is the goal of trauma-focused care?

What is the difference between regular counseling and trauma-informed care?

How do you identify someone who has experienced traumatic events?

Which areas of the brain are most directly affected by traumatic events?

What are the six pillars of trauma-informed care?

What are trauma-focused care interventions?

What is the trauma-focused checklist?

How do you apply trauma-focused care in practice?

Family Therapy: What I Think My Children Should Do To Discuss Mental Health Issues

Depression is an already mentally and emotionally exhausting battle that everyone needs to deal with. It affects and changes lives in an instant. No one gets to be exempted from its negative impact. In some instances, daily chores are neglected, work and school become more of a struggle, and even getting out of bed needs so much energy. Depression can make everyone feel stuck despite knowing that the world still moves.

I somehow know how it feels in this state, but we can’t entirely get to the bottom of it. Luckily I know when to seek teen counseling help whenever I couldn’t even understand where to begin. But as a parent, I worry about my children. I am not confident that they can do whatever I think I’m positively doing to help myself get rid of the mental health struggles. So as much as possible, here are the things I need my children to understand so we can all discuss their mental health issues.


They Should Realize That There Is Nothing Wrong With Asking

I believe my kids are smart. I know they can easily understand the things around them since they are doing everything they could to adjust to every situation completely. But with mental health issues, I admit things can get complicated. As much as I want to know everything about their thoughts and feelings, I know I can only wait for my children to open up with their struggles.

I understand the stigma attached to depression, and I know my kids are embarrassed to tell me everything they are dealing with mentally and emotionally. I know the reason behind it is because they might think I don’t care, but I do. My kids should realize that there is nothing wrong with asking anything because, as a parent, I know I also need to exert any effort to meet them halfway. My kids are not alone in this battle, and I am more than willing to pay attention. I know my children need my support more than ever, so I want them to talk to me openly.


They Should Understand That Their Depression Is Not Anyone’s Fault

Most times, I think my children do not want to talk to me because they do not want me to think they are blaming me for their mental health struggles. I somehow feel like they want to distance themselves because they do not want to be seen as failures. They are reluctant to approach me because they somehow believe I might take it the wrong way. But it would be an honor to contribute a part to my children’s overall mental and emotional recovery.

Honestly, all I want is for my children to see me as a friend. I might not be a better parent to them, but I am certain that I can provide my kids the emotional support they need, especially during their mental health struggles. Because the last thing I would never want to do is hurt my children’s feelings.


They Should Be Calm And Prepare Themselves Before Starting A Conversation

My children must calm themselves before trying to make a conversation with me. I would suggest that they do not force themselves to open up if they feel uncomfortable discussing anything. I would rather not talk to them while they are struggling, even just forming a sentence. I prefer that they talk to me in a state where they are not scared of expressing themselves. I know this can be difficult, but I would never want to see my kids in a devastating, anxious state.

It is not an easy process, and I know my children would feel disheartened by this and make them think that I don’t care about what might happen to them. But as a parent, I would rather not take advantage of their weakness, especially when they are depressed. I want them to take all the time they need and give themselves space until they finally want to talk about their mental health issues.


They Should Let Me Know What They Need

I understand that discussing mental health struggles is a complicated thing to do. And I also admit, I might have a hard time understanding what my children will say. But I would want them to let me know what they need to focus on working on it much better. I know that recovering from depression requires listening and talking. But I also know that it is more than that. I want my kids to tell me exactly what they want from me and what they think I can do to make things a lot easier for their healing process.

Communication is always the key. My children should realize that I can’t read minds. So all I could ask them is to inform me about what they are going through and let me help them. I may not understand where they might be coming from, but I can certainly try.


Parenting Struggle – Dads Need Therapy Too

There is always this stigma about men seeking professional advice. Many people believe that particular scenario is a once-in-a-lifetime thing because men are supposed to represent strength, masculinity, and total control. In situations where they can no longer handle their emotions, most people assume that the way men manage their issues is to fix them on their own. Therefore, everyone can crash out the idea of them talking about their problems since that’s the last option most men would consider.

About parenting, most men often do not want others to know their stressful struggle regarding handling their family and kids. That’s because they believe that talking about it would mean they are weak, so they would rather keep it to themselves. There’s this idea that they cannot openly discuss what they are emotionally and mentally going through because they don’t know how others would receive and react to what they say. Many of them are not brave enough to come forward to speak about anxiety, stress, and depression because of the scorn, ridicule, and shame they might have to deal with. With that particular self-inflicting perception, most therapists feel sorry for how these fathers view psychological assistance and emotional help. These experts know that many of them need readily accessible resources for their overall wellness but couldn’t go for it.


The Element Of Mystery Of What Others Genuinely Think

Most dads are capable of faking it. They have specific patterns and traits that somehow divert people to think less about something wrong. These men are great pretenders who can almost hide all the flaws, pain, and worries concerning their families and children. And with all their effort, they can instantly manipulate others to believe that they are emotionally and mentally capable of doing anything. However, with the in-depth look at some of the worse struggles dads could have, many individuals know that most of these men are only trying to get by.

People understand that it is difficult to balance having children with their own needs. That explains why most dads, when frustrated, lash out and sometimes give in to the negative coping strategies that they shouldn’t suppose to perform. Most fathers are often drawn into the fear of not accomplishing their role in the family. That is why, when duty calls, they do not seem to care about themselves. They ignore their needs only to provide what’s best for their family and children.


Dads Need To Talk About Mental Health Too

People usually discuss how motherhood can be challenging and life-changing. That is why all individuals are more concerned about listening to mothers’ mental and emotional health struggles. Everyone understands these women’s need for time adjustment because they are bound to experience the worse off, the worse. Unfortunately, most people do not see the psychological impact of parenthood on fathers. Many people are solely focused on the mothers’ perspective that they do not care about the mental and emotional health struggles of fatherhood.

The transition to fatherhood typically involves a series of very complicated psychological tasks. These include adjusting to a specific lifestyle, prioritizing financial needs, managing responsibilities, negotiating with emotional uncertainty, and learning to be self-dependent. These are not one-time process, and men often struggle to deal with these instant changes as it leaves them feeling guilty, resentful, and confused about everything.

One sad truth about a father’s mental health issues is that nobody asks them if they are okay. Nobody sees the sacrifices and effort they put up only to provide everything for their family. No one considers their inability to cope with their anxieties, fears, and doubts. No one is kind enough to tell them that mental health challenges in fatherhood, including emotions and struggles, are valid and that it is okay to seek help.


How Therapy Helps Fathers Deal With Their Mental And Emotional Issues

Like any other treatment, therapy provides men (dads) a new sense of meaning to their lives. It might not be a way for them to become more able to come up with fast solutions to their problems, but therapy can provide dads emotional comfort. Just like teen counseling, therapy can also assist fathers in taking down some of their developing behavioral problems that affect their overall functioning. It can allow them to have a genuine connection to their inner-self.

Therapy may not be the first option that most dads would consider, but it is an excellent avenue for fathers to understand the importance of their vulnerability and emotions. Therapy can help them too. It is just a matter of pulling the guts and starting to express thoughts and feelings to someone who can professionally explain what these fathers are going through. That way, they would not have to suffer in silence anymore and can become more open to discussing the mental help they deserve.




Fatherhood has evolved dramatically over the past few decades because, as of today, dads are further involved in parenting and building relationships with their kids. It is difficult. Many dads find themselves in this situation where the stress builds up until they reach a breaking point. Thus, it is where dads experience sudden meltdowns that usually take many forms. These include sleeplessness, headaches, rage, gloominess, and discouragement. In some unfortunate times, dads try and live with emotional pain.

But the good thing is that there are options to fight stress, and dads should take advantage of these tips. It might not eliminate a dad’s mental health and emotional problems, but working on these guidelines can significantly affect how dads handle strong work, social connections, family, and themselves.

Fatherhood has evolved dramatically. Fatherhood now includes being hands-on in rearing kids. Fatherhood is difficult.

What is Fatherhood?

Parenthood is not an easy task. Often, it can be a little intimidating, particularly regarding dads and their ability to provide and protect, especially in uncertain times. It makes every single dad mentally and emotionally unstable when their expectations are often unmet. The reality can be harsh when they can no longer balance the demands of continued work performance, stable social interaction, and family needs and support. This issue is what leads dads to become unwell with stress, depression, and anxiety.

Parenthood now includes being hands-on in rearing kids – from diaper changing, preparing milk and food, fixing clothes and necessities down to giving a handful of advice. Our dads are now providing a significant and exceptional contribution to the child’s overall healthy development. This is part of fatherhood.

Fatherhood is a difficult job, and the film-like story of Liz Logelin and Dana Stevens speaks to the true power of paternal love. In 2008, Liz’s mother was suddenly taken from her life by sudden death, leaving behind her daughter and her husband Matt. To keep his wife’s memory alive, Matt decided to write ‘Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love’, a poignant account of the last days he had with his wife Liz and their daughter Maddy.

The book chronicles Matt’s experiences when he raised Maddy on his own after Liz died and how two simple words, ‘two kisses’ became a life raft that kept him from drowning in the depths of grief. Matt’s journey and his daughter’s life are one of tremendous strength, courage, and commitment to his daughter Maddy. Despite his own suffering, Matt was always there for her, taking her on family vacations and sharing a few surprises together.

The reality can be harsh when they can no longer balance the demands of continued work performance, stable social interaction, and family needs and support.


Most dads, when stressed, often forget the importance of well and healthy physical attributes. That explains why most of them are often seen eating junk food while holding a beer, sitting all day long before the TV or computer. People think that it is okay since there is this ideology that “they deserve” that alone time. However, little do they know that this habit tends to make dads more tired, stressed, and irritable.

To cut that habit, dads should consider eating healthy food and working on physical exercises daily.

They should try their best to provide their body with proper nutrition to fuel to burn. It does not have to be an intense workout, though. As long as dads are constantly engaging in physical activities, that should be enough to keep them away from stress.


Bonding With Family

One thing that most dads often lose touch with is their time spent with family. Usually, when they are stressed with work and dealing with other outside-life issues, dads tend to set aside family needs. Sure, members of the unit understand the space needed to allow the head of the family to relax and relieve some stress. However, often when that happens,

Most dads find it difficult to return to their loved ones. And that builds a gap between family relationships.

Parenthood requires fathers to manage their time and engage with family bonding as often as possible. Because even though work and chores are important, family needs should be a priority. But of course, dads should not think of it as a necessary task; rather, they should be willing to be with their loved ones despite anything else.

On the other hand, Fatherhood is an Oscar-winning comedy film that tells the story of single parents in Minnesota. The movie stars Jordan and Lizzie as Marion, the father trying to take care of his daughter June. It is a smartly assembled cast that gives this plot depth and emotion. Fatherhood is a memoir of loss and heartache, highlighting the complexities of parenthood and how it affects lives. It follows Marion’s struggles with being both a parent and a friend to his daughter as she navigates her teenage years and forms relationships with her peers.



Stress buildup usually starts with the idea of being unable to solve things alone. Parenthood figures likely encounter that issue since they usually do not talk about what bothers them. As much as possible, they tend to ignore or hide their struggle for their family’s mental and emotional health. But by doing that, they forget to realize the danger it brings to their overall well-being.

Dads must work on communication. It will be an excellent way to fight stress if they talk about the things that emotionally weigh them down. Dads should not take all negativity in and allow the unit members to help them get through whatever they are coping with.

Dads must work on communication. It would be an excellent way to fight stress if they talk about the things that are emotionally weighing them down.

Seek Help

Understandably, all dads believe that they are capable of handling things. They have enough self-confidence that somehow drives them toward success.

However, parenthood can get a little nasty sometimes, and even if they already tried their best, most dads end up losing everything.

They begin to lose control of the situation, become more emotionally sucked into the moment, and are mentally exhausted from all the pressure life brings.

Dads’ Notes

If that is the case, these dads should learn to accept the need for help. They should not live in a world where they think about situations getting better on their own. Dads must take care of their overall wellness for their sake and the whole family’s benefits that depend on them.

They must consider asking for professional advice, especially when they know they are about to break down and cry.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by Fatherhood?

Fatherhood is the sign of being a dad, where you learn to be a good and caring parent to your child, especially when it’s a new experience.

What is the role of a father?

The role of a father includes being a responsible father by providing support and care for their children, and some fathers may find a fatherhood program helpful in developing these skills.

What is an example of fatherhood?

What makes a good father?

What are the responsibilities of a father?

What are the five roles of a father?

What are the duties of a father in the family?

Who is a faithful father?

What is the duties of a father in the family?

What is fatherhood in the Bible?




How do I take that as a husband?

How should I handle my wife’s sterility? As a man, it is not easy to openly show my weakness, especially in front of my wife, who has such issues. I have always been the one who takes control of everything. I am often anxious and irritated about small things, which freaks me out. I was supposed to be calm, and I was sure to easily get rid of my negative feelings.

But things are different now that my wife and I found out that her chances of getting pregnant are close to zero due to that.

What I Know Vs. How I Genuinely Feel About My Wife’s Issue

I love my wife, and I will promise to love her forever. As much as possible, I do not want this infertility issue to become something that will ruin our ten years of marriage. I would still pick her over some unnecessary argument about dealing with an infertility diagnosis. That is the truth. That is what I know about female infertility. However, that is not exactly what I feel right now. And that is what makes this whole infertility issue so complicated to handle.

According to the World Health Organization, infertility is a disorder of the female reproductive system as well as the male reproductive system. One of the signs of female infertility is an abnormal menstrual cycle or absent menstrual periods which means there is a primary ovarian insufficiency.

Female fertility is also known to decline with age, so one of the risk factors that affect fertility is age. Health and developmental problems with the uterus and fallopian tubes are also common causes of infertility, if blocked fallopian tubes and the woman’s uterus has benign polyps or tumors there is a risk of infertility.

Male infertility can be a cause of low sperm count or low sperm production, lifestyle choices and illnesses can affect and impair sperm production. It can also cause male-factor infertility and not might just be a woman’s problem.

Of course, I am a little heartbroken that our chance of having a baby is almost near impossible due to infertility. When I heard the infertility doctor say that my wife’s chance of getting pregnant is one over 100, I was shocked, thinking that we both are physically healthy. Ever since we got married, we committed ourselves to being happy and healthy living. So, knowing that she will suffer from plenty of related complications when she gets pregnant was devastating to hear.

That Inferior Feeling I Get When I’m Reminded Of The Issue

But honestly, I would love to have a child. And even before we got married, my wife and I talked a hundred times about wanting to have a family. Therefore, every time I told her that it would be okay and that I didn’t care about her condition, she never believed me because she knew how much I wanted to have kids. That makes me feel guilty because, at some point, it felt like I was the cause of my Infertile wife’s insecurities.


The Basis Of Social Disconnection

Our most recent issue with this infertility problem is the detachment that we somehow unintentionally practices. It was not like we always wanted to isolate ourselves. We know other things out in the world provide us with happiness. But my wife and I were so bound to this issue of infertility that we chose to shut down people. I guess inferiority due to infertility problems might be a factor too. Honestly, I am fully aware of the damage this social disconnection can bring to our lives. But concerning my wife’s feelings due to infertility, that is all I can do for now.

I went along with my wife’s idea to entirely keep other people away from us due to the toxicity they bring with their questions and all that with her reproductive health and infertility struggle. It is as if they were trying to flare up the pressure my wife and I had with this infertility. This instance somehow led us to more trouble coping with infertility itself.


The Struggle In The Relationship

But the whole negative experience is not limited to knowing about the infertility issue but rather the truth we have to deal with. My wife’s mental health and I were so unstable that our relationship suffered until now. The primary dilemma was that we could not find the right reasons to work together through this situation. We even had difficulty agreeing to seek treatment because we both felt like this was a dead end. Somehow, we want to hope from the whole idea of assisted reproductive technology art or try other fertility treatments for the female reproductive system such as in vitro fertilization, intrauterine insemination, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

Sometimes an infertile woman such as my wife and I argue over whether to pursue reproductive medicine infertility treatment or not because that alone creates uncertainty. There was no assurance that she would bear a child with just a couple of treatments or medications. Thus, that whole option seemed like a total waste of effort and money. We also considered going straight to adoption. But the process alone is exhausting and too overwhelming to handle.

Insights And Takeaway

At some point, my infertile wife developed inferiority. She lost all the courage and motivation to work through this infertility issue. And even if she tried and said that she was okay and already accepted the complications and impossibility of having a child, what she was showing was different. She was never a happy person anymore, and that made me feel so anxious and depressed. It came to a point where both of us somehow felt the need to let go of each other because of the pressure buildup inside the house. Unfortunately, we are still holding on and trying to move on for good.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Boost My Fertility?

You can boost your fertility by maintaining a healthy reproductive system, considering assisted reproductive options if needed, and ensuring the health of your fallopian tubes.

Can Male And Female Infertility Be Cured?

Male infertility can sometimes be treated, while female infertility, including polycystic ovary syndrome, may also have treatment options, but not all cases can be cured.

How Can I Avoid Infertility?

Maintaining good reproductive health and seeking timely medical treatment for any female fertility issues can help avoid infertility.

Can You Still Get Pregnant If You Are Infertile?

Can I Test My Prolificacy At Home?

What Are 3 Ways To Prevent Sterility?

Can Infertility Be Cured?

What Are The Signs Of Infertility?

What Exactly Causes Sterility?

What Are The 3 Causes Of Sterility?

What Are The 5 Causes Of Infertility In Females?

Which Fruit Is Good For Fertility?

Can Stress Cause Infertility?

What Age Causes Infertility?

How Can I Fix My Fertility?


Men and Depression After Childbirth: What You Need to Know

I sincerely understand that having a newborn baby is not easy. My wife and I need to consider things, especially now that all our attention, energy, time, and effort tend to double. We both need to do our best to keep our newborns safe and sound all the time.

However, despite all the happiness I know I have to feel in parenting, I still have this weird feeling that things are not okay. No. This situation is all mine; my wife and kids don’t need to be concerned. It’s an issue that I’m facing alone. I get to feel this emotional roller coaster that I am not familiar with. The combination of emotions and thoughts keeps bringing me to the brink of depression, postpartum, health, and confusion. And sometimes, I get distracted by my goal, and I question what my goal is exactly.


Importance of Discussing Male Postpartum Depression

Discussing male postpartum depression or paternal depression is important for several reasons.

Raising awareness about postpartum psychosis isn’t just important for mothers – it’s also timely when considering fathers. Research indicates that some dads are diagnosed with PPD, as well, so let’s work together to break the stigma and enable more men to get help with their feelings if they need it. Baby blues is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. In fact, an editorial written in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics 2020 recommends that the mental health of all new parents should be screened by a pediatrician.

Secondly, discussing paternal postpartum depression can mean a significant step toward improving the father-child relationship. A father who is struggling with paternal postpartum psychosis may have difficulty caring for his child, which can have long-term effects on the child’s development. By providing support and treatment for fathers, we can help them care for their children, which can have positive effects on the child’s mental and emotional well-being.

Thirdly, discussing paternal postpartum depression can help improve the father-partner relationship. After a new baby arrives, it is common for mothers to experience baby blues But don’t forget—dads can be affected too! It’s important to recognize the effect this condition can have on relationships and take steps together as partners toward feeling better. By providing support and treatment for both parents, we can help improve communication and strengthen the relationship between them.

Finally, discussing paternal postpartum psychosis can help to improve the overall health and wellbeing of families. Fatherhood is an incredible journey – but one that can be difficult, especially when paternal postpartum psychosis takes over. It affects more than just the father; it ripples out to mothers and children too. That’s why recognizing this issue from the start and taking steps toward addressing it are so important for families across our communities. Let’s support fathers on their journey by focusing on promoting healthy mental health habits in everyone involved.

Discussing paternal postpartum depression is important because it helps to raise awareness, improve the father-child and father-partner relationships, and promote the overall health and wellbeing of families.

Prevention of Male Postpartum Depression

While there are always risks for postpartum depression in new fathers, you can help minimize those chances. Take a look at some strategies that have worked to keep dads feeling mentally healthy during this major life transition! These include:

  1. Education: Knowledge is power. Fathers-to-be should educate themselves about paternal postpartum psychosis and its signs. This understanding can help ensure a smooth transition into parenthood for both parents.
  2. Social support: A strong support system can help reduce the risk of paternal postpartum psychosis. This can include family, friends, and support groups. Dads, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your family.
  3. Healthy lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of paternal postpartum psychosis. This includes getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. Exercise has been shown to improve mental health and reduce stress.
  4. Open communication: Open communication between partners can help reduce the risk of paternal postpartum psychosis. Partners should feel comfortable talking to each other about their emotions and seeking help when needed. This can help strengthen your relationship.
  5. Professional help: Seeking professional help is an effective way to prevent paternal postpartum psychosis. Expecting fathers should know that it’s okay to ask for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed. A mental health professional can provide support and guidance during this time.

While it may not be possible to completely prevent paternal postnatal depression, strategies such as education, social support, a healthy lifestyle, open communication, and professional help can help reduce the risk and promote positive mental health for new fathers.

What is the cause of this person’s behavior: a change of heart or a mental illness?

I am aware that my wife and I now have a baby (thank God we don’t have any infertility issues), which requires many responsibilities. But in all honesty, I somehow feel like I am not truly happy. Despite feeling unprepared and uncertain, I am determined to prove those who might think of me as the worst person wrong by becoming a great father. It is not that I don’t want to, but something at the back of my mind tells me I’m not worthy, incapable, unreliable, and all sorts of those negative stuff.  Those things linger in my head, and I can’t seem to take them all away. What is happening to me? I don’t understand these negative thoughts and emotions, but I know I am not myself.

Certainly, this particular thing that is happening to me is not a change of heart. There is no way I can be unhappy with my wife and child. Luckily, I found out that all this emotional and mental torture is part of a mental illness known to women. Unfortunately, I never expected that men could also experience this so-called postpartum depression.

What Are The Possible Causes Of Postpartum Depression In Parents?

Postpartum or also known as “baby blues,” is common to moms after childbirth. It commonly includes crying spells, affective mood swings, anxiety, and poor concentration. Some symptoms include anger, fatigue, a change in appetite, and an increase in impulsiveness. Other patients with postpartum psychosis turn to substances like alcohol or prescription drugs to self-medicate the symptoms of their affective disorder. Usually, it originates from a dramatic drop in the body’s level of hormones, specifically progesterone and estrogen. Other factors are prenatal depression disorder, seasonal affective disorder, high life stress, marital issues, lack of sleep, weight gain, recent loss or mental trauma, and current or past abuse. Postpartum can leave sluggish and depressed feelings that are often irritably unexplainable.

Though that description only defines common symptoms for women, I, unfortunately, do experience some of the depression symptoms right now. Therefore, I can say that postpartum is exclusive for my wife and affects me.

What are some strategies for new dads to deal with stress?

For a new parent, welcoming a baby into the world can come with intense emotions. From embracing life-changing moments together to experiencing joy and sometimes exhaustion as they toe their way through parenthood for the first time – it’s all part of this beautiful journey. A dad needs to understand lots of things and exert extra effort to keep things intact, especially when taking care of his newborn and wife. If there’s a chance, a new dad should talk about how his daily life and relationship often. That way, he can encourage and prepare himself for the upcoming challenges of daylight hours of fatherhood.

How Can You Prevent Postpartum?

Despite the fact that postpartum depression and paternal postpartum depression can be difficult to cope with, there are so many ways for moms and dads alike to manage them! With a bit of support from family or friends – or through professional help, if needed – finding relief is possible. First, you should educate yourself about what postpartum depression is all about and learn how it affects your life and everyone’s lives. It is entirely essential to avoid making major life changes during or right after childbirth. It is okay to vent out and express your pain, thoughts, and feelings during or right after the delivery. But it would help if you enlisted good support during birthing, especially when dealing with depression and anxiety such as paternal postpartum depression in men. You have to surround yourself with positive people who will care and stick with you during and after this amazing moment in your life.

What is the difference between peripartum and postpartum depression?

Peripartum psychosis applies to a significant mental health issue, particularly depression, during pregnancy or within four weeks following the baby’s delivery. Postpartum depression, on the other hand, refers to major depressive symptoms that occur in the first six weeks after giving birth. It is an intense and crucial moment that necessitates all sorts of care, with a primary focus on the mother’s and the baby’s health and well-being. In addition, it’s essential to consider issues such as loss of interest and male postpartum experiences to provide comprehensive support.

 Can A Woman Go Crazy After Giving Birth?

Unfortunately, in some instances, the answer is yes. Postpartum psychosis, though a rare condition, tends to be a serious mental health illness that affects a woman soon after having a baby. However, primary health care during the postpartum period is crucial in recognizing and addressing such mental health conditions. But usually, the whole birth-giving scenario only brings mild mood changes, known as the baby blues. For some new moms, this is normal and usually lasts only for a couple of days.

 Is It Normal To Cry A Lot After Having A Baby?

There is a roller coaster of emotions right after giving birth, and that is entirely normal. Getting overwhelmed and crying a lot in the days after giving birth is what most moms usually do. However, if the overwhelming feelings tend to stay longer than expected and probably cause a toll on the mom’s life, it is vital to seek professional medical advice and treatment. That is because the feeling of being unable to cope for more than ten days after giving birth might sign postpartum depression. Mental health experts will determine the diagnosis. Tools, such as Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, can also be used to support the diagnosis.

 A mother with a concerned expression holding her baby tenderly in her arms

 What Causes Postpartum Psychosis?

There is not enough proof that shows what commonly causes postpartum psychosis in women right after giving birth. However, a new mom is more at risk if she has a family history of mental health illness. These include a health diagnosis of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia and a negatively traumatic birth or pregnancy experience.

What is the time frame for anxiety after having a baby?

Feelings of stress, sadness, and anxiety can escalate right after giving birth. These negative emotions are more persistent for some new moms than the joy and delight of holding their child. People consider it an experience as “baby blues” or the normal part of postpartum recovery. It usually goes away 1–2 weeks after the successful delivery.

What Is A Postpartum Woman?

In terms of the puerperium or puerperal period, which refer to the time after childbirth, it is also recognized as “baby blues” and usually starts immediately after childbirth as the mother’s body, including uterus size and hormone levels, returns to a non-pregnant condition. For many new moms, the baby blues go away in about 3 to 5 days. However, if it does not, and the feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness persist longer than two weeks, it tends to become postpartum depression. When it comes to male postpartum depression and its risk factors, it’s important to acknowledge that new dads can also experience this condition alongside mothers.

How do dads feel when the baby is born?

New dads also experience overwhelming emotions when their “new baby” is born. But unlike new moms, they don’t always feel fuzzy and warm at first. Fathers often don’t have the same love-at-first-sight experience with their babies as their mothers do. Perhaps that is because they do not share the same pregnancy experience as women.

 Do Newborns Know Their Mothers?

Yes. A baby can immediately recognize his or her mother’s face, smell, and voice right from birth. The babies respond to their instinct well. It is as if they already knew how their senses function even before they learned to use them. That explains why parents are highly recommended and advised to talk to their newborns.

 Do Newborns Know Who Their Father Is?

Unfortunately, there are no studies and enough evidence that evaluate whether babies can recognize their fathers or not. Newborn babies have blurry vision, and by the moment they are a few weeks old, that is the only time they can recognize their parents’ faces. However, some claim that these babies can already identify their parents through their voices’ smell and sound.

 How Long Does It Take To Recover And Feel Normal After Pregnancy?

A full recovery from pregnancy and childbirth is different from one person to another. Usually, coping with pregnancy can take quite a few months. Some mothers feel that they are almost recovered by 6-8 weeks. However, it may take longer to feel like they are back with themselves again when it comes to the mental and emotional parts.

 How Does Pregnancy Affect Mental Health?

Women may feel more stressed, anxious, and vulnerable during their pregnancy. Some may develop major depressive episodes, injuries, diseases, and other physical problems that often contribute to poor mental health and sometimes mental disorders. Some physical causes, such as birth trauma, can directly affect brain chemistry, leading to mental dysfunction.



Never assume that mental illness is gender-based because it is not. Postpartum depression, though most common in women, can also affect men. Thus, if you notice that you are experiencing the symptoms, get help immediately from a doctor or a mental health expert. Postpartum depression is curable. With proper treatment, like talk therapy, light therapy, and medication, symptoms of postpartum depression usually improve.


What Are Some Ways For New Fathers To Cope With Stress And Frustration?

What Does Postpartum Look Like In Men?

Why Do Men Lose Interest After Childbirth?

What Is Father’s Syndrome?

Do Dad’s Hormones Change After Birth?



Fathers Beware: Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder In Men

I had always been the happiest and politest boy in the neighborhood. Whenever I went out of the house to walk the dog, get the morning paper, and do other chores, I often had a smile and a greeting ready for every person I would see around the house. 

I was a happy and positive little boy.


Sometimes, even if the people were a few places away, I would run to them to say hi. Because of that, the elders treated me as their kid, and the other children wanted to befriend me. At such a young age, I did not understand what was so special about my habits and gestures. After all, that had always been the routine in our home, my mother and father would wake me up with kisses and tickles, and then we would all head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast together. I learned how to be polite, joyful, and helpful early, yes.

I only realized that not every kid acted like me when I entered primary school. I overheard a classmate arguing with her mother. It went like this:

“You did not take your lunch box to school again,” Mrs. Cooper said as soon as Jane came up to her.

“Your food sucks, Mom,” Jane retorted.

Mrs. Cooper looked hurt and shocked. “Excuse me, young lady?”

“Yeah, you heard me.” Then, Jane walked past her mother and stood beside their car. “Come on, Mom. I’m growing roots here!” she yelled, annoyed.

Although I did nothing back then, I promised myself that I would never be like Jane. Besides acting awful towards her mother, she did not know how to appreciate Mrs. Cooper’s efforts. Worse, Jane did not even greet her.

navigating through winter blues as a man and a father.

Becoming An Adult

I carried my happy and polite disposition into my adulthood. In college, I had been known as that guy who would never turn a friend down and always had a helping hand ready for everyone. Of course, some people tried to take advantage of that, but I knew how to dodge them without acting rudely.

After getting my college diploma, I began working at a construction firm as an architect. That’s where I met my wife, Sherra. We became friends quickly when we found out that we both loved the Star Trek franchise. Her easygoing attitude also meant that she was always smiling. However, what made me realize that Sherra was the one was when my parents dropped by the firm, and only Sherra was there to entertain them.

Mom called me that night and gushed over Sherra. She said, “Son, I met the loveliest girl at your workplace today. She had a massive pile of paperwork on her desk, but she left it to assist me even before knowing that I was your mother. I hope she’s still single – she’s a keeper.”

Having A Family

Twenty years after that conversation, Sherra and I had been happily married with two teenage boys. We had a short courtship as it turned out that Sherra liked me before I even courted her, and then we tied the knot and subsequently had twins.

Plenty of things have changed since then. For one, Sherra quit her job to become a hands-on mother. I supported her decision because looking after two energetic kids was a full-time job. The only consolation was that they inherited our happy disposition and rarely kept us up at night, even when they were still babies. I also stopped working at the firm to start my own when the children turned five years old to be with them more.

Twin boys playing and having fun.

Our routine became similar to what I had during my childhood days. My wife and I would wake up the boys early with kisses and cuddles. My sons were never fussy, so they would always jump off their beds and greet us happily and help us make food in the kitchen. They did not stop acting that way even when they went through puberty – the stage that most parents dreaded the most. Their voice merely grew deeper, and they had a growth spurt, but the twins were still as affectionate and happy as ever. Hence, our happiness continued.

Hitting A Snag

When my sons – yes, both of them – got accepted to Harvard, I was perhaps the proudest father on the planet. Their acceptance letters arrived a couple of months before their high school graduation, so I had enough time to share the fantastic news with my parents, friends, and even clients. My wife and I also accompanied them to Massachusetts early to find an apartment within biking distance of the campus. We were over the moon at the thought of having Harvard diplomas hanging in the house a few years later.

Empty Nest

However, my happiness hit a snag on the first night that the boys were gone. It was already Fall, so the semester was about to start. I knew they were safe in their apartment, but I could not help but feel sad about the fact that I won’t see my kids every day anymore. My sadness turned into lethargy soon enough. When December came, and I still felt that way, Sherra finally put her foot down.

“I’m worried about you, honey,” she said one evening. “I set an appointment with a psychologist tomorrow. We will go there to sort out your prolonged sadness,” she added gently yet firmly.

As it turned out, I developed seasonal depression

Imagine The Shock I Felt

It was the first time I heard of such a disorder. I knew that some people were prone to depression, but I never thought it could affect me. I thought that since I had been the happiest and politest kid in the neighborhood, I would never be depressed.

When I visited the psychologist, she explained that the drop in temperature, shorter days, and lack of sunshine during the winter months could trigger depression in some people. She said it was a type of depression that could be managed with the right medication and lifestyle modifications.

The doctor prescribed me antidepressants, which I took faithfully. I also made some adjustments to my daily routine. I started by getting up an hour earlier to do some stretches and morning walks. I also started meditating and journaling every night.

Getting Better

It took some time, but I eventually got better. I felt like my old self again – happy, polite, and full of life. However, the experience of going through seasonal depression taught me to be more mindful of my body and mind. I now take time to rest more and avoid stressful situations. I also make sure to spend more time with my family and friends.

If you are a dad and you notice signs of depression during certain seasons, don’t hesitate to seek help from a doctor or therapist. I know it’s not easy to talk about depression, especially if you’re a father. But I believe that it’s important to be honest with those around you. It’s the first step to finding the right help and support.

Stay Connected And Take Care Of Yourself

It’s also important to stay connected with others. Don’t isolate yourself, even if it feels like the easiest thing to do. Reach out to your friends, family, or co-workers and let them know how you’re feeling. Ask them to help you out, even just by talking and listening.

Finally, make sure to practice self-care. Make time for things that make you feel good, such as exercise, yoga, and meditation. Stay away from bad habits like drinking or smoking. Eat healthy and get enough sleep. These things can make a huge difference in helping you manage your depression.

The Takeaway: What I Learned About My Journey

Seasonal depression can be difficult to deal with, but it doesn’t have to define you. It is not a sign of weakness either. It’s a serious condition that can affect anyone, even a father. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to seek help. Talk to a doctor or therapist, stay connected with your loved ones, and practice self-care. With the right help and support, you can overcome it.

Fatherhood can be a joyful yet challenging experience. It’s a time of self-discovery, of learning to balance work and life, and of being more mindful of your own needs. But it can also bring about unexpected struggles, such as seasonal depression.

I learned this the hard way when I experienced seasonal depression. But with the help of my family, friends, and therapist, I was able to overcome it. I hope that my experience will help other dads out there who are struggling with the same condition.

What Is The Meaning Of Seasonal Depression?

Seasonal depression is a mood disorder that an individual experiences due to the changing of seasons. Most people deal with it in the wintertime since that’s when we all get the least amount of sunlight. However, it is possible to experience seasonal depression during the summer, too.

Your are not alone. Find help and beat mental health condition to regain control of your happiness and life.

What Is The Saddest Month?

January is technically the saddest month of the year. This is when the temperature is mostly low and the skies are gloomy. Even if you see the sun, it is not as hot as in other months. In truth, the third Monday of January is called Blue Monday.

How Common Is SAD?

Mild seasonal affective disorder (SAD) has been diagnosed in up to 20% of individuals in the United States. Approximately 6% of them have moderate or severe SAD. Gender-wise, SAD is more common in young female adults.

What Is The Best Treatment For This Disorder?

Some psychiatrists may say that the best treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is an antidepressant. Many individuals with this type of depression start taking the medication before they even get the depressive symptoms. However, for folks who do not want to take antidepressants, the best treatment is light therapy.

When Do Fathers Usually Experience SAD Symptoms?

As the winter months set in and daylight hours are shortened, some fathers may experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as seasonal depression for dads. This condition can cause numerous mental health symptoms, including experiencing feelings of sadness, trouble concentrating, and depression. Additionally, some people may turn to comfort foods, which can lead to weight gain. It’s important to prioritize self-love and care during this time, such as getting exposure to more light and engaging in social activities. Increasing exposure to natural light can help alleviate the effects of seasonal affective disorder. If symptoms persist, seeking support from online health professionals can be a helpful resource. Remember to prioritize your father’s mental health during the winter months and take steps to address any symptoms of SAD, such as trouble concentrating and experiencing feelings of sadness.

Which Vitamin Is Good For SAD?

Vitamin D is an excellent vitamin to combat seasonal affective disorder (SAD), considering you get depressed in winter. The reason is that it is challenging to get this naturally during this particular season, no matter how much you stay outdoors. Nevertheless, you should ask a physician if you can take this vitamin with your other medication.

How To Combat SAD In Fathers?

As fall approaches, dads may notice changes in their mood and feelings of sadness. Seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that is linked to changes in seasons, can impact the entire family. It’s important for dads to prioritize their mental health and seek treatment if needed. Exercise and exposure to sunlight can be effective treatments for seasonal affective disorder, and taking an interest in activities with kids can also boost mood and improve family life. If feelings of sadness persist for several weeks or interfere with daily life, it may be time to seek help from a mental health professional. Remember to take care of yourself and your family, especially during the fall months when seasonal changes can impact mood and overall well-being.

Final Thoughts

I did not take antidepressants to battle my seasonal depression, for the record. Instead, I forced myself to go out and get as much sun exposure as possible every day. My kids also came home for the holidays, and they livened up the house once more. My wife and I decided to get a house in Massachusetts to visit the boys whenever we wanted. Though the psychologist could not guarantee that my SAD won’t return, he said that I had a high chance of not experiencing its symptoms if I continued doing things that made me happy.

And I could not agree more with that.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dads Get Postpartum Psychosis?

Postpartum psychosis is quite rare, and although it is more prevalent in women, it can definitely affect men, specifically fathers. Characterized by severe mental health symptoms such as confusion, delusion, hallucination, and extreme mood swings. These symptoms usually show up a few weeks after the birth of a child.
While experts are yet to pinpoint the exact cause of postpartum psychosis, hormonal changes, sleep deprivations, and genetic disposition are believed to play huge roles in the occurrence of this condition. With that said, it is crucial for fathers to seek immediate medical attention to ensure not just their well-being, but the family’s safety as well.

At What Age Do Most Men Get Depressed?

Depression affects both men and women at any age. However, plenty of research suggests that the average age for men to experience depression and its symptoms tends to peak in their late 30s and early 40s. Coincidentally, this is the period of major life transitions in men, such as career changes, relationship changes, and increased responsibilities of family and parenting. With that said, men may be more prone to experience “masked” or atypical depression symptoms, which are characterized by anger, increased irritability, risk-taking behaviours, etc., making it challenging to recognize and properly diagnose the condition.

What Are Some Factors That Can Contribute To Depression In Fathers?

Depression in men, especially in fathers, can be caused by a variety of different factors. The primary precursors of this, however, are significant life changes. Moreover, relationship difficulties are also a common occurrence, including conflict with co-parents or with a partner.
Other common triggers of this condition are financial stress, the struggle of balancing responsibilities in work and family, work-related pressures, etc. The feeling of isolation from lack of social support and limited access to resources for emotional experience can also exacerbate the risk of depression in men.
Additionally, men with a history of mental health issues, and a family history of anxiety and depression, are at higher risk of this condition.

Do Men Get Depressed Easier?

Depression can differ from one person to another, and the effects and severity of its symptoms can vary from person to person too. With that said, depression is not necessarily easier or harder for men than for women. Rather, since they are influenced by different factors, they can manifest in different ways.
Men often face unique cultural norms and societal expectations that often discourage vulnerability. This is why very few men seek professional help. This makes it more challenging for them to get properly diagnosed for their condition.
Moreover, men may experience different symptoms too, ranging from anger, irritability and engaging in risky behaviors.

Is Depression Worse In Men?

As said earlier, depression doesn’t manifest as worse or more severe in men than in women. The influence of depression can vary between individuals, regardless of their genders. Thus, depressive symptoms often go unnoticed, which only delays the diagnosis and treatment. With that said, it is important to acknowledge each person’s journey through depression.